Tune in to hear Robin & Lance Hoppes as they shares their thoughts about investing and securing your retirement in this weekly radio broadcast, “The Big State Financial Show”. For nearly ten years, Robin and her staff have been helping families live out the retirement that they deserve by giving them experienced, common-sense advice. It’s never been easier to get Robin’s insights and stories about successful retirement, just listen in live every Saturday Morning at 6am on 930 AM The Answer – KLUP.
Here’s what some American icons have to say about Robin Hoppes and Big State Financial:

Michael Medved
“Robin taught me how to protect my savings while safely generating retirement income for life that I can pass onto my wife.”

Hugh Hewitt
“Robin can show you the importance of Social Security timing and the factors to consider that affect your benefits to avoid leaving thousands of dollars on the table.”

Mike Gallagher
“Robin taught me that all annuities are not the same. She says that while some annuities can help protect your assets in a volatile market, having the wrong one could end up costing you thousands.”

Dennis Prager
“Robin has ways to protect, grow and guarantee your retirement and will show you how to create a retirement income stream that you can never outlive.”

Sebastian Gorka
“Robin’s mission is to help give you maximum protection in retirement.”
*No statements made during the Big State radio show shall constitute specific financial, tax, insurance, legal, or accounting advice. You should consult your own legal or tax professional on your individual information. Big State Financial will not be held responsible for any detrimental reliance you place on this information. It is agreed that use of this information shall be on an “as is” basis and entirely at your own risk. Additionally, Big State Financial cannot and does not guarantee the performance of any investment or insurance product. Big State Financial and its advisor representatives may receive commissions on the sale of insurance products. Past performance is not a guarantee of future results. Investors cannot invest directly into indexes. No investment strategy, including asset allocation or diversification guarantees a profit or guarantees the avoidance of loss. Financial planning is an important tool that does not guarantee specific outcomes.